Activist for LGBTQIA+ group
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Amnesty International Network Utrecht is looking for an Activist for the LGBTQIA+ Rights Campaign. Voluntary position, average of 3-4 hours per week.Uitgebreide omschrijving
AINU is a group of like-minded people who contribute locally in Utrecht to global action against human rights violations, in line with Amnesty International's campaigns in the Netherlands. We organise events to raise awareness of local human rights violations, we make an impact locally and we facilitate opportunities for our activists to develop their leadership. Our LGBTQIA+ Rights campaign aims to raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ issues.
Who are you?
● You are interested in LGTQI+ rights.
● You are capable of working project based.
● You enjoy meeting, approaching new people and working in a team.
● You know how to motivate people to fight for human rights.
● You know the local community in Utrecht and live in Utrecht.
● As an asset: You have experience in working for human rights / women's rights.
About the Activist role
Helping the campaign team in execution of the LTQIA+ Rights Campaign activities.
What does AINU offer you?
● You will be part of a network with enthusiastic people that fight for human rights
● You will gain experience in campaigning with Amnesty
● Development of your knowledge and skills through trainings provided by Amnesty the Netherlands
● A lot of space for your creativity and ideas
● Expense allowance
If you are interested, do not hesitate to send us a message with a short motivation of why you would like to join our LGBTQIA+Rights Campaign. Hope to meet you soon!
Amnesty International Network Utrecht (AINU) is a group of like-minded people that aim to locally contribute to global action combating human rights violations in line with the campaigns of Amnesty International in the Netherlands.
We are part of Amnesty International: A worldwide human rights movement with more than 7 million people involved. Amnesty International’s vision is of a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments. In pursuit of this vision, Amnesty International’s mission is to undertake research and action focused on preventing and ending grave abuses of these rights.
AINU aspires to be thé independent, recognized Amnesty Network in Utrecht, where everyone can contribute to a just and peaceful world through learning about and contributing to combating human rights violations.
We organise events, facilitate opportunities to learn and we have fun while doing so. We invest in the power of a (local) movement, develop the leadership of our members, and build a sustainable network together with you!
Wat wij vrijwilligers aanbieden
💸 Vrijwilligersvergoeding🤝 Extra begeleidingOver Amnesty International Network Utrecht
Wij zijn onderdeel van Amnesty International: een wereldwijde mensenrechtenbeweging waar meer dan 7 miljoen mensen bij betrokken zijn. Amnesty International zet zich in voor een wereld waarin iedereen alle mensenrechten geniet die zijn vastgelegd in de Universele Verklaring van de Rechten van de Mens en andere internationale mensenrechteninstrumenten. Bij het nastreven van deze visie is het de missie van Amnesty International om onderzoek en actie te ondernemen gericht op het voorkomen en beëindigen van ernstige schendingen van deze rechten.
AINU wil het onafhankelijke, erkende Amnesty Netwerk in Utrecht zijn, waar iedereen kan bijdragen aan een rechtvaardige en vreedzame wereld door te leren over en bij te dragen aan de bestrijding van mensenrechtenschendingen.
We organiseren evenementen, faciliteren leermomenten en doen dit in een gezellige, plezierige werkomgeving. We investeren in de kracht van een (lokale) beweging, ontwikkelen het leiderschap van onze leden en bouwen samen met jou aan een duurzaam netwerk!