Reading out to kids in Leidsche Rijn (English and Arabic)
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Reading out is important in every language and for every child. Do you want to read for childeren in English or Arabic?Uitgebreide omschrijving
Utrecht Library has developed into a place to borrow, read, learn, share knowledge and reflect. And to meet people and relax. Curious people of all ages and backgrounds visit the Neude Library and the 11 neighborhood libraries every day. With almost 100,000 members, we are the largest membership club in Utrecht. We encourage reading, digital skills, and democratic citizenship. So that everyone can participate in our society. And we create our library together with the people of Utrecht.
The purpose of reading out to kids.
The purpose of reading aloud in the Utrecht library.
We believe it is important to introduce children to language at a young age and to make them enthusiastic about reading. By reading out and talking about stories, children come into contact with new words, it increases their vocabulary and language comprehension. In addition, we want to make the importance of reading aloud clear to (grand)parents and caregivers and promote reading aloud in multiple languages. Through our readingmoments in the library, we introduce them to the library, the materials and the activities in an accessible way.
Who are you?
- You're 18 years or older
- You love to read, to tell stories and are enthousiastic in your speech and expression.
- Your fluent in English or Arabic
- You live in the proximity of Leidsche Rijn Centrum
- You're available at least once a month.
- It takes place on wednesdays and/or fridays.