Vaste activiteit · 2–3 uur/week
Vleutenseweg 172, 3532 HN Utrecht, Netherlands
ReceptieEngelsGastheer/vrouwSociaal contact
WelzijnVluchtelingen & MinderhedenSociale rechtvaardigheid

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Stichting Ubuntuhuis
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Do you like to meet people from different cultures? Help people in more difficult situations? Or just to give a listening ear? Then this function is for you!Uitgebreide omschrijving
Ubuntuhuis is open all day on Mondays and Tuesdays. Around 25-30 people from various African countries, some of whom speak English or French, come to visit. Dutch people who are experiencing poverty or homelessness also come to us, often because this is one of the few places where they feel at home.
We could use people for the following things:
- playing games
- doing dishes after meals
- making coffee and tea
- help visitors with calling, making appointments etc.
- Be a listening ear
This all takes place in an informal atmosphere, in a small organisation. Other volunteers have their own experiences of homelessness, poverty or life without a residence status and have gained a great deal of human knowledge and wisdom as a result.
2 to 3 hours per week, relatively long-term (several months or more)
Wat wij vrijwilligers aanbieden
💸 Vrijwilligersvergoeding🤝 Extra begeleidingOver Stichting Ubuntuhuis
Het Ubuntuhuis is een kleinschalig buurthuis, waar mensen werken en welkom zijn die te maken hebben (gehad) met dakloosheid, armoede, sociaal isolement en leven zonder papieren. We organiseren samen met bezoekers sociale activiteiten zoals wekelijkse maaltijden, taalles, theaterworkshops, ubuntugesprekken en filmmiddagen.